In Real-time around
The Lufthansa Group is a global aviation group with a total of 540 subsidiaries and equity investments. Its fl eet heads for more than 270 destinations in over 100 countries. This makes Lufthansa Group airlines one of the leading companies in passenger transportation and airfreight in the world. The company is operated centrally from Frankfurt on the Main. Sales trainings, roadshows and on-the-job training in new products and offers are coordinated and realised here and in the company-owned training centre in Seeheim (Hesse) – for employees in Frankfurt to Rio de Janeiro and Mexico City to Tokyo.

20 h Flight Time for 1 h Training
Trainings, exchange of experiences, direct talks to the person in charge: Things that are not easy to organise in small businesses, become a decisive cost factor in globally operating enterprises. Is it possible to keep thousands of employees worldwide up to date? Can face-to-face trainings be more effectively prepared and followed up? In the areas Lufthansa Group airlines and Lufthansa Cargo as well as the service company Lufthansa Global Business Services (LGBS), virtual events with vitero are the solution.
Handling & Bandwidth
An intuitive user interface, flexible and dedicated technical support and efficient usage of bandwidth (which can be very low due to infrastructural reasons in some locations) were crucial factors for implementing a virtual classroom tool according to Ms de Buhr (Cargo), Ms Macdonald (Passage Airline Group) and Mr Urgast (LGBS). “We compared the tools available on the market and cross-checked those on functions and data security with the requirements set by our committees. In the end, the recommendation was vitero”, Mr Urgast says. When it comes to handling, data security and user interface, vitero convinced. “The table metaphor is a nice and easy approach”, says Ms Macdonald. And vitero also runs reliable with very low Internet connections.
Feedback round to actively involve participants with moderation elements Feedback round to actively involve
participants with moderation elements (participants’ points) in a virtual Lufthansa Cargo training session
“We wanted to train small groups of employees specifi cally in our products and product-specifi c sales argumentation – worldwide”, explains Ms de Buhr, Product Manager Sales & Skills Training. “Thanks to online trainings, our product managers from Frankfurt could be present in the training sessions, also from their home offi ces”, Ms de Buhr adds. Answering special questions, sharing opinions about products or exchanging experiences – the direct and simple way of communication was a win for everyone. Due to the virtual medium, the geographical distance could be overcome.
Passage Airline Group
„It was important for us to prepare and follow-up face-to-face-trainings or inform about topics that require less than one hour”, Ms Macdonald, Trainer Sales Tools, says. “With vitero, it feels like in a real classroom. The focus is on the contents, not the room.” The vitero Corporate Café is used at the Passage Airline Group, too. “We appreciate the possibility to spontaneously meet colleagues worldwide – and use it very often”, Ms Macdonald adds. “Although meeting face-to-face is necessary for some topics,a virtual classroom like vitero is ideal as part of a ‘Blended Learning’ concept for instance.
“We focused on letting many people participate in our webcasts”, Mr Urgast, Manager Communication & Change Management, says. “Therefore, the software has to perform“. In regular, so-called virtual all-hands-meetings, all 1,500 employees worldwide participate in various settings: from their home-offices, their offi ces, alone with one computer or as part of a group with screen and data projector. To improve communication, at every location with bigger groups a person is put in charge to collect questions and place them in the webcast by text chat. “For us, vitero is a simple solution with appropriate costs and a very good performance”, Mr Urgast says.
Numerous Possibilities
“With its virtual team room, vitero has fostered our trust in the technology”, Ms de Buhr says. The result: Virtual trainings as a fi xed component of the training portfolio will be extended in the future. “Within a virtual study group I could realize a project with colleagues on a global level – without ever meeting them in person”, Ms Macdonald adds. Team meetings, training new employees, spontaneous international meetings: the manifold possibilities to collaborate effi ciently with colleagues worldwide are an equally important reason for global enterprises to use vitero as are high savings in time and money.
Further Case Studies
Well-known customers and partners from a wide variety of sectors and industries speak for the diversity of vitero inspire. The numerous possibilities of vitero are also evident from the variety of our application settings.