The SV SparkassenVersicherung is a modern regional insurance provider. As market leader in the regions of BadenWuerttemberg and Hesse the holding provides building insurances for about two out of every three houses. 4.5 million customers in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Hesse, Thuringia and Rhineland-Palatinate entrust the protection of their assets to the insurance provider. ‘We educate and advance ourselves continuously’ is one of the SV’s fundamental principles. It is the job of the SV Sales Academy to help employees with translating this principle into action and to keep them up-to-date with the latest developments of the company’s insurance products. In order to do so the SV utilizes the vitero software as a cost- and time-effective addition to their on-site events.

and money for companies.
Time for customers, not on the road
Demographic change, natural disasters, and economic crises: The current circumstances also change peoples’ demand for insurance. To adapt the products to its customers’ needs, the SV keeps optimizing its offer. For its internal and external sales team this means: continuous trainings about changes and innovations of insurance products. However, for these trainings “we don’t want to send our employees on the road all the time”, says Ms D’Aleo, consultant for e-learning at the SV. With more than 2,000 employees in the sales team, onsite events not only result in substantial travel costs but also in a loss of time for work and customers.
Simple & quick launch
The offered internal trainings of the SV, thus, were quickly and virtually extended with vitero, even though there was hardly any experience on how to use Virtual Classrooms (VC) in the company. vitero accompanied the SV trainers with online sessions concerning methods and didactics for VCs, technical support, and co-moderation. “The assistance for the launch turned out to be very valuable”, Ms D’Aleo states. After a short time and without further assistance the trainers could conduct their webinars on their own and make use of the different interaction features in vitero.
Webinar in vitero: Query with interaction elements by participants during a session in the Virtual Classroom.
150 business days won, travel costs saved
While introducing the tool, the SV used vitero right away to present a new product to more the 1,200 employees in the external sales team. In three months there were 30 webinars with different group sizes and settings. The Virtual Classroom proved itself. “ Our goals were met and we are very pleased”, Ms D’Aleo sums up the project. The savings in time and money are convincing: Even if you assume on average only half an hour for a round trip for each participant, the time of work saved for the company sums up to 150 business days.
Flexible communication settings
Especially the different settings were a huge challenge for the successful conduction of the webinars. Participants joined not only from the offi ce, but also from their home PCs or in groups in front of one display. “We also had one hundred participants in front of a projector screen”, Ms D’Aleo adds. The participants remained focussed during the trainings. This was achieved particularly with the help of vitero’s interaction features like gestures, text chat, and queries with cards and point elements. The SV trainers used them aptly in the beginning of a webinar to keep the participants’ attention and prevent ‘passive consumption’.
Tool selection by trainers
Besides criteria like handling, user interface, and interaction features, the opinion of the trainers was important for the tool selection – they are the ones who need to be able to handle the VC. Ms D’Aleo explains: “The visual layout of vitero had convinced me already. But after we had seen a few other tools, the decision was unanimously for vitero.” Involving the trainers in the selection process turned out to be the right decision in the end. They got acquainted with vitero quickly and were able to focus on the webinars instead of handling the VC. Appropriately, the participant feedback was positive – in spite of the unfamiliar virtual setting. Hence, VCs will be added to the training portfolio of the SV Sales Academy for the foreseeable future.
Further Case Studies
Well-known customers and partners from a wide variety of sectors and industries speak for the diversity of vitero inspire. The numerous possibilities of vitero are also evident from the variety of our application settings.