eLearning AWARD 2021 Awards for AUDI AG and vitero GmbH

“Leading in the crisis and afterwards” – for this project, AUDI AG and vitero GmbH were awarded with the eLearning AWARD 2021 in the category “Synchronous Learning”. The digital training format was jointly developed to train managers in the retail sector.
From face-to-face events to online training in a very short time: The year 2020 with the Corona crisis intensified the need at Audi for a further virtualisation of existing formats. The digital training courses should also be as close to reality as possible and maintain the interaction between trainer and learner as well as the interactions between the learners. The possibility to exchange and reflect were two essential requirements that could also be met virtually via vitero.
With “Leading in the crisis and afterwards”, a compact and exciting format has been created – with four live online trainings of 90 minutes each. The result is impressive: In a very short time, the training became an integral part of the training programme for managers in retail. In 2020 more than 900 specialists and managers successfully completed the training. The participants emphasise especially the entertaining character in their consistently positive feedback.
The project’s success illustrates the potential of digital offers, says Heiko Schmidt, Head of Retailer Development / Training Germany: “Education is no longer location-bound. Education is a fluid process that can take place everywhere and at any time due to intermodal hybridisation, in other words: digital plus presence.”
To the joint case study: