About us We are vitero
vitero stands for virtual team room and is a full-range premium service provider for live online communication. With us, you get everything “Made in Germany” and from one source – from the software to consulting, training and implementation to customer-specific adaptation.
Our history Where we come from
From the outset, vitero has pursued the goal of assisting users with purposeful, effective communication, regardless of their location, using perfectly fitting software. Various application scenarios and settings were tested with hundreds of subjects.
Our Customers & Partners Companies that put their trust in us
Also in cooperation with well-known partners, we offer our customers a sophisticated and constantly evolving communication solution. The variety of industries shows that our software can be used in a wide range of different use cases.
Mission & Values What we stand for
As a software provider, our goal is to enable effective virtual communication. Sustainable social and ecological activity is an indispensable element of our company culture.
Act sustainably Responsibility for our society & environment
We are responsible for the high quality of our software and all our services. At the same time, we take responsibility for society and the environment: for the operation of our data centres we use 100 % green electricity from renewable energy sources. With every kilowatt hour of German hydro, wind and solar energy, we automatically support the construction of new eco-energy plants.
Awards & Prizes Industry recognition
Independent evaluations regularly confirm the outstanding quality of our software and the services we offer.