About us We are vitero

vitero stands for virtual team room and is a full-range premium service provider for live online communication. With us, you get everything “Made in Germany” and from one source – from the soft­ware to consulting, training and implementation to customer-specific adaptation.

Formed in 2004vitero GmbH is a German software company created as a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO.
Our employeesThe vitero team works with passion and dedication to make virtual communi­cation as simple, effective, realistic and secure as possible.
Renowned customers and partnersOur software is suitable for numerous application scenarios and industries. We are therefore pleased that vitero inspire is successfully used in small companies up to listed corporations.
20 years vitero20 years of innovation and design in live online communication. To celebrate our company anniversary, we had a cosy drink at our vitero stand at LEARNTEC.

Our history Where we come from

From the outset, vitero has pursued the goal of assisting users with purposeful, effective communication, regardless of their location, using perfectly fitting software. Various application scenarios and settings were tested with hundreds of subjects.

1997 – ResearchAn interdisciplinary team of usability experts, cognition psychologists, designers and IT specialists at Fraunhofer IAO researched various virtual communication settings using prototypes in several research projects.
2004 – Formation2004 marks the formation of vitero GmbH and the beginning of a suc­cess story. With vitero 1, the scientific findings were incorporated into marketable software for an effective, reliable and secure virtual communication experience.
2007 – The blue roomOver the years, the virtual team room continued to be optimised and expan­ded with special functions and additional moderation tools. The characteristic blue vitero room was created with vitero 3. Furthermore, an increase in turnover of 132% was achieved in the financial year 10/2006 – 09/2007.
2010 – Web Service InterfaceDevelopment of an interface that is now used by 18 learning management systems.
2019 – vitero inspireThe next generation, vitero inspire, was created in the context of rapid web technology development. It is designed for inspiring learning and working as well as the straight­forward exchange of information. This can be both device-independent and browser-based.
2022 – vitero inspire Generation 4Create atmosphere, visualise emotions and change scenarios quickly – since Generation 4 of vitero inspire, virtual meetings, training sessions and events can be made even more lively and individual, turning them into an immersive experience.
2024 – 20 years viteroEven after 20 years, vitero’s innovative strength remains unbroken – be it gamification, efficient content management, the vitero hybrid mode or other new product developments. We were delighted to welcome all visitors to a small celebration at our LEARNTEC stand for!

Our Customers & Partners Companies that put their trust in us

Also in cooperation with well-known partners, we offer our customers a sophisticated and constantly evolving communication solution. The variety of industries shows that our software can be used in a wide range of different use cases.

Mission & Values What we stand for

As a software provider, our goal is to enable effective vir­tual communication. Sustain­able social and ecological activity is an indispensable element of our company culture.

V for visionaryWe take responsibility for the high quality of our software and all services. At the same time, we are accountable for society and the environment: We regularly support numerous projects and engage data centres that operate on green electricity.
I for innovativeWe are innovative in finding solutions to complex problems. In doing so, we adapt our software as effectively as possible to changing conditions such as the digital transformation and new needs of our users.
T for team-orientedTeam orientation defines our daily work. This is based on trust, esteem and respectful interaction among equals – in the course of finding solutions among ourselves and with our customers and cooperation partners.
E for easyOur software’s ease of use always comes first in conceptual design and development. Clarity and simplicity are also what guides us in communication with all our customers, employees and partners.
R for responsiveWe are fast and flexible in implementing the requests of our customers. We are also agile in response to unexpected challenges. In the Corona-pandemic, new capacities were established quickly.
O for openDiversity and individuality are not just important innovation drivers, but also permanent aspects of our company culture. We are open to change and all ideas and opinions, across levels and career stages.

Act sustainably Responsibility for our society & environment

We are responsible for the high quality of our software and all our services. At the same time, we take responsibility for society and the environment: for the operation of our data centres we use 100 % green electricity from renewable energy sources. With every kilowatt hour of German hydro, wind and solar energy, we automatically support the construction of new eco-energy plants.

Awards & Prizes Industry recognition

Independent evaluations regu­larly confirm the out­standing quality of our soft­ware and the services we offer. 

eLearning Award 2024: Festool and vitero3. April 2024

The jury of the eLearning Award 2024 awarded us together with Festool Deutschland GmbH the prize for the winning project ‘Product training through live online training for Festool specialist trade partners in the DACH region’.

Award in Hybrid learning - Daimler Truck and vitero GmbHeLearning AWARD 2023: Daimler Truck and vitero23. January 2023

The jury of the eLearning AWARD 2023 has awarded us together with the Daimler Truck AG for the winning project “C-Sales Truck 3.0”. We are very pleased about the joint award in the category Hybrid Learning.

FOCUS Growth Champion 2023We are Growth Champion 202310. November 2022

According to a survey by FOCUS in cooperation with Statista, the vitero GmbH is one of the top 20 fastest-growing companies in Germany in the IT, internet, software & service sector.

eLearning AWARD 2021: Awards for AUDI AG and vitero GmbH19. February 2021

“Leading in the crisis and afterwards” – for this project, AUDI AG and vitero GmbH were awarded with the eLearning AWARD 2021 in the category “Synchronous Learning”. The digital training format was jointly developed to train managers in the retail sector.

vitero awarded as leading provider for “Distance and Remote Learning”27. October 2020

vitero was named as one of the “Top 10 Distance and Remote Learning Solution Providers in Europe 2020” by the US magazine Education Technology Insights. Espe­cially in the current crisis, EdTech (education techno­logy) is the basis for enab­ling learning for everyone wherever they are.

Lufthansa and vitero win eLearning Award 20174. September 2017

The Lufthansa Group won the eLearning Award in the cate­gory “Virtual Classroom” for using vitero in their worldwide employee training and the virtual general meetings – it was after a project presentation at didacta.