Conversations, experiences and collaboration Live online communication with vitero inspire

With every new release, we will further refine our patented approach to create inspiring learning and communication environments. Building on existing functionalities in vitero inspire, we are constantly increasing the effectiveness and quality of live online communications.

Version 4 of vitero inspire Highlights

vitero inspire 4.3

Pointing function for participantsThe pointing function can now be distributed to individuals or to everyone using a token – anonymously or personalised. Can also be used over presentations or screen sharing.
Evaluation of the thumb gesturesThere is no faster way to conduct a vote. The thumb gestures can be analysed spontaneously and practically and the result can be displayed in the virtual room.
Optimisation of accessibilityOver 40 shortcuts can now be customised. Also helpful for trainers who work with controllers. Accessibility is being continuously improved.
Further improvementsFor example, the position change of an avatar is now visually animated for even higher transparency. Further optimisations have been implemented for even more efficient working.

vitero inspire 4.2

Hybrid modeRegardless of whether the participants are on site or connected remotely: With the hybrid mode from release 4.2, everyone is equally visible and involved in interactions.
Training room for trainersTo ensure that you as a trainer or moderator are always up to date and fit to use all functions, you will receive a new free practice option from Release 4.2.
Preset for a quick startFor a particularly quick switch from common web conferencing tools to vitero inspire, we offer the option of starting directly with the familiar presets.
User experience & ergonomicsWith each release, we make a number of optimisations to further improve the user experience and thus enable even greater effectiveness in virtual sessions.

vitero inspire 4.1

Customized ambience & presetsWith the new expansion module “vitero create” you can create your own virtual locations & settings. From the form of moderation to the atmosphere in the room: you get control over ambience, presets and more.
Freehand drawingDraw, write and paint freehand on the table: over a blank slide, screen sharing or on content – also possible without an app, very simply directly in the browser.
Webcam recordingRecord webcam streams and replay them directly: The expansion module offers new possibilities for com­munication and language courses, sales trainings, teletherapy and much more.
Central configurationThe new control area enables the inde­pendent adminis­tration of clients. Define settings centra­lised for each client: password rules, deletion routines, data protection settings and more.

vitero inspire 4.0

Audio-visual ambience Use the variety of static or moving room back­grounds to bring atmos­phere to your meetings. Zoom in to see more or less of the background.
Audio-visual effectsMake emotions visible with effects. Con­fetti rain, fireworks, soap bubbles, and more can be used to highlight spe­cial moments in your live sessions.
PresetsUse our prepared scenarios. With and without moderation, you can choose your video confe­rences, webinars or work­shops with one click.
Individual webcam imageCustomize the picture section of your webcam image. The background can be blurred or replaced using the green screen method.
Audio in screen sharingShare your content including the audio track. The volume can be set centrally for all.
Simplified moderationGive out the webcams and micro­phones with one click. You can take them back just as easily.
Advanced reporting gestureWe have graphically updated the reporting gesture. See directly who wants to make the next contribu­tion to the discussion.
Optimized highlight functionUse the highlighter to show where which functions can be found in vitero inspire. The visibility has been optimized.

vitero inspire Roadmap Preview of upcoming features

Awareness soundsHearing more, perceiving more, exp-eriencing more: Thanks to acoustic signals, you get an even better impr-ession of what is happening in the room, e.g. when someone enters the room, raises their hand or writes something.
Arrangement of live imagesMore arrangements of the webcams on the table: For display above and on the side of the presentation, live images can additionally be arranged in a U-shape or in the often requested circle form.
Gamification – learning with funPlayful elements loosen things up, increase attention and are fun. Step by step, we enrich the virtual team room with game-like functions.
User Experience & ErgonomicsWith each release, we continue to work on making vitero inspire a virtual place for even more lively and immersive exchange – for shared virtual experiences and effective communication.