Exciting highlights from our upcoming releases Live online communication with vitero inspire
With every new release, we will further refine our patented approach to create inspiring learning and communication environments. Building on existing functionalities in vitero inspire, we are constantly increasing the effectiveness and quality of live online communications.
Gamification, flexible room set-up, dynamic content management Upcoming highlights of Generation 5
GamificationGamification for playful learning and experience. Game-like functions enable the creative realisation of your own ideas. Communication is loosened up, the participants’ attention is increased – and it’s also a lot of fun.
Talking circleThe avatars or live images can be arranged in a talking circle and enable a participant-centred presentation. Each participant can take and return the micro-token independently.
Role-playingThe flexible positioning of the live images, combined with the sophisticated moderation concept and the collaboration functions, make it possible to realistically simulate an application case. Ideal for preparing for real-life situations.
Setting the scene for the speakerThe interplay of live images and presentation area is freely selectable. Key speakers, who shine with their gestures and facial expressions, are staged in a targeted manner. Webinars or live events can be organised differently depending on the topic.
Optimised content managementThe materials can be prepared in a structured way and dragged and dropped onto the action area, for example. Switching between presentations, videos, survey results and other content is extremely easy. Slides can be opened multiple times, e.g. for a quick switch to the agenda.
Learning with a fun factorFurther gamification options will follow after release 5.0: The participants in a quiz can be randomly divided into different groups by colours. The score can be displayed directly in the room. The countdown starts and the game begins. Just to give a few examples.
Generate individual avatarsParticipants don’t wish to create their avatar with their own photo but still want to be individually displayed? With the avatar generator, the illustrated avatar can be generated individually or put together randomly. The interplay of different features produces a surprising result every time.
Efficient learning organisationTo facilitate your learning organisation, vitero offers numerous LMS connectors, simple login processes, automated certificate dispatch and much more. With Generation 5, the content area of the VMS will be completely revised and centralised access to content and interaction elements will be further simplified.
vitero MS Teams pluginIn addition to the existing MS Outlook plugin, there will also be an MS Teams plugin in the future. This will allow you to easily communicate vitero inspire invitation links in MS Teams chats. Users can use it to participate directly in meetings or training sessions in vitero inspire from MS Teams.
The highlights of our current versionGeneration 4 of vitero inspire
You can see all the highlight functions of our current version 4 of vitero inspire in detail here. Custom ambience & presets, hybrid mode, freehand drawing, audiovisual effects and much more.