Interactive teaching in the virtual classroom Live e-learning with vitero inspire
Whether training in companies, online courses, lectures at universities or training and further education in educational institutions – the demand for professional e-learning offerings is increasing in a wide variety of areas. An important component for live e-learning is a virtual classroom that can cope with the diverse training approaches and learning concepts. Vitero inspire convinces with a wide range of functions, interaction and application options.
Current situation Digitization in the education sector
The multiple advantages of virtual learning are obvious. Educational offers, further education, courses of schools or faculties, can be realized location-independently and for a large number of participants. Trainers, teachers, lecturers as well as students or learners can meet virtually – whether for a short teaching talk or for detailed instruction. Learning content can be conveyed in a simple and varied manner through e-learning platforms. Participation and access are flexible and possible from anywhere in the world – locally, nationally and internationally.
Live e-learning with vitero inspire Create immersive learning experiences
vitero inspire provides an immersive learning experience. The advantages of a live online communication platform are used. Disadvantages of online teaching are cancelled out by the well-thought-out teaching concept.
Easy collaboration and integration
Interactive design of your events
Documentation and monitoring
Customer references from the e-learning sector
vitero inspire offers online exactly the learning environment we want to create for our students. The tool was developed not only from a technical-digital approach, but above all from a scientific one.
Tessel Jarigsma
Director of Professional Education,
a Salta Group division
“Our participants find the virtual classroom design particularly helpful because it connects to their learning biographies. It feels like a real classroom: all participants can talk to each other and to their instructor, share and edit work results on the virtual whiteboard, and retreat to adjoining rooms for group work.”
Katrin Witte
IBB Institut für Berufliche Bildung AG
Main advantages at a glance
Hybrid mode in vitero inspire Online and face to face efficiently combined
For the efficient implementation of hybrid settings, we have developed an intuitive solution in vitero inspire. The hybrid mode allows you to easily get started with the hybrid meeting and to effectively collaborate between on-site and online participants.