Efficient implementation of hybrid settings Hybrid meetings with vitero inspire

In addition to online events, hybrid trainings and meetings are also becoming increasingly popular in everyday working life. A hybrid event is characterised by the fact that the participants take part in the meeting in different ways. While one part joins the meeting online, the other part is in the meeting room on site. This requires a professional and reliable web conferencing software that covers both the technical and collaborative challenges.

    From version 4.2 in vitero inspire Effective solution for hybrid teamwork

    No additional technologyOnly the available media technology and one mobile device per participant are required.
    Quick startVia a QR code, all presence participants can log in and additionally be present virtually.
    Joint interactionsAll participants can work together interactively and use all collaboration tools.
    Easy handlingThe user’s own familiar device is also used in the hybrid setting. Scan the QR code, log in and get started.

    The hybrid mode of vitero Successfully combining presence and online

    For the efficient implementation of hybrid settings, we have developed an intuitive solution in vitero inspire. The vision behind our hybrid mode is that all participants – both face-to-face and remote users – have the same opportunities to represent, communicate and interact in the virtual environment. Functions are provided for the moderator to keep track of all participants at all times and to involve them equally.

    Efficient implementation

    Facilitation for the moderatorThe moderator can involve and keep an eye on all participants equally.
    Equal representationBoth the on-site group and the remote participants are represented in the virtual room.
    Clear representationIn the virtual room, it is shown who belongs to the remote group and who belongs to the presence group.
    Good orientationVisual signals on the avatars in vitero inspire indicate who is currently speaking.

    Hybrid teamwork

    High transparencyBoth face to face and remote users see the same and can actively participate in the activities.
    Varied interactionsCollaborative work with evaluations, voting or brainstorming directly in the virtual room.
    No echoAutomated muting of the individual presence participants prevents acoustic feedback.
    Freedom of choiceThe use of webcams is not necessarily required, because face to face users are also represented as avatars.

    Customer testimonials on the use of vitero inspire

    „It was important to us that a virtual conference is also highly interactive. vitero is a very good tool to interact, to exchange ideas, to make queries together, to change methods. So we started the experiment of a hybrid conference with vitero. Both on the vitero side and on our side, there was a desire to try something new. And that worked out great in the cooperation. The Anders conference was a complete success.“

    — Heiko Schmidt, Audi AG

    „vitero’s variety of moderation tools creates a closeness between the participants, despite the physical distance. As a result, I experience digital meetings and training sessions that not only serve to impart knowledge, but are also fun and entertaining.“

    — Marie-Luise Kämmler, City and District Savings Bank Leipzig

    Further advantages at a glance

    Customised designDesign the room according to your corporate design – with your logo, colors and more.
    DSGVO compliancevitero GmbH is fully and without restriction subject to the DSGVO and the BDSG.
    Lively atmosphereHybrid events & online meetings can be customised individually to the occasion.
    Comprehensive supportWe are at your side and will help you find a solution to fulfil your requirements.

    Frequently asked questions